"If you don't start -
It is certain you won't arrive."
To begin, you will set up an appointment for your physical and medical evaluation.
The Physical
The physical must be completed by a clinician at our clinic before prescribing the program. There will be no exceptions to this requirement; even if you have had a complete physical by your own physician. Your medical history and current physical condition will be evaluated and reviewed during your physical. Approval to begin the program will be determined at this time.
The Program
Once your physical has been reviewed, you are ready to begin the program. At this time you will receive your patient program booklet, which explains your program and all of its requirements. You will then be required to come into our office once a week to be weighed, measured, have blood pressure taken, receive medications (if prescribed), and for support and optional counseling. These visits do not take long. Any questions or concerns that you may have can be answered and addressed during these visits.
The Cost
The start up cost is $70.00 and includes your physical, medical history, the patient program booklet, a B-12 injection and medication (upon approval of clinician). This charge is to be paid at the time of your initial visit. From that point forward the cost is $45.00 for your weekly visit.
Call Now to Schedule Your Appointment:
Sacramento: (916) 927-2201

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"This has to be the best weight loss and maintenance program I have ever participated in. It incorporates all of the essential elements necessary to confidently lose weight in a safe and controlled environment.
I highly recommend it to my family and friends all the time. I totally agree with the opinion that you must change your lifestyle to keep the weight off on a permanent basis. This book gives the answers to long overdue questions. I don't think there is any one answer to the overweight problems that most women face, but I do believe that this program brings together the safety of traditional medicine along with alternatives of holistic ideas, I'm full of energy and a new sense of accomplishment. If I can do this after so many false attempts, I can do anything."
- Rose Aubry